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M9 Bayonet


Tiger Tooth




Factory New






"Full Spectrum"

★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New)
StatTrak Disponível

★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New)

This is the M-9 bayonet. Originally intended to be mounted on a rifle, it is also well suited to close-quarters combat. It has been anodized orange and hand-etched in a tiger stripe pattern. Like the tiger it is rare... like the tiger it is deadly...
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New)

Avaliação da comunidade: 4.4★

3327 Votos

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Avaliação da comunidade: 4.4★

3327 Votos
This is the M-9 bayonet. Originally intended to be mounted on a rifle, it is also well suited to close-quarters combat. It has been anodized orange and hand-etched in a tiger stripe pattern. Like the tiger it is rare... like the tiger it is deadly...

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Stattrak Factory New

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Factory New

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Chance de queda

O ★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New) destaca-se como uma das 6 peles disponíveis. Com seu status de raridade Covert, obter o Tiger Tooth é um desafio, pois possui apenas uma 0.64% chance de cair.


Com preço entre 980.00 e 1000.00 , ★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New) oferece uma opção acessível para entusiastas. ★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New) está disponível em 4 mercados.

Avaliação da Comunidade

★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New) atraiu atenção significativa com mais de 3327 votos em TRUSTPILOT.COM, alcançando uma impressionante média de avaliações de 4.4.

Onde comprar ★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New)?

★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New) está disponível para compra em 4 mercados diferentes, garantindo uma ampla seleção para compradores. Os principais fornecedores incluem CSGOTM, DMARKET, SHADOWPAY, SKINPORT. Esta variedade oferece flexibilidade e escolha, atendendo a preferências e necessidades diversas.

Qual é a tendência de preço de ★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New)?

O preço do ★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New) diminuiu -3.70% nos últimos 7 dias, refletindo alterações na demanda do mercado.

Qual é o preço médio de ★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New)?

O preço médio de ★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth (Factory New) é de 990.00 em 4 mercados


The ★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth features a vibrant, gold and orange tiger stripe pattern, enhancing its sleek design. This skin is from the Weapon Case 2 Collection and was first introduced in March 2015.


Classified as 'Covert', the M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth is a highly coveted knife with a low drop probability. Its striking appearance and StatTrak™ technology make it particularly valuable in the CS:GO community.


This knife skin debuted as part of the Chroma update, which brought a new spectrum of colorful and vibrant skins to CS:GO. You can read more about this update at Chroma Update.


The Tiger Tooth is popular due to its bright color scheme and the prestige of owning a rare covert knife. It is often featured in community videos and competitive matches.


The M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth is exclusively available as a knife skin in CS:GO, compatible with all player models.

Unique Features

It features the unique StatTrak™ technology, which tracks the number of kills made with it. Its distinct tiger stripe pattern is meticulously applied to the blade, giving it a fierce look.


Introduced during the Chroma Update, the M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth was part of a major enhancement in skin aesthetics in CS:GO.


The Tiger Tooth design is one of the few knife skins that suggest a more exotic and wild theme, setting it apart from more militaristic or tactical designs.

Skin Designer

Designed by Valve.

Technical Features

The Tiger Tooth finish employs advanced texturing techniques that simulate the appearance of an actual tiger’s fur, reflecting light dynamically as the player moves.

Reviews and Ratings

With high ratings from the CS:GO community, the Tiger Tooth is often praised for its pristine finish and striking color palette.

Historical Significance

The Tiger Tooth skin has been influential in demonstrating the diversity and creativity possible in weapon design, pushing beyond traditional camouflage and military themes.

Reasons for Popularity

Its popularity is due to its rarity, distinctive design, and the added functionality of the StatTrak™ system.

Influential Events

The release during the Chroma Update was a pivotal event that helped establish the skin’s popularity among players.

Creation Story

The design of the Tiger Tooth was influenced by the desire to introduce more vibrant and eye-catching patterns into the knife category, offering a contrast to typical color schemes.

Symbolism and Design Elements

The Tiger Tooth represents ferocity and stealth, embodying characteristics often associated with competitive play in CS:GO.

Emotional Connection

Players often feel a strong attachment to the M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth due to its visual appeal and the status it conveys in multiplayer environments.

Impact on Community

This skin has encouraged players to engage more with CS:GO’s cosmetic elements, influencing buying patterns and how players express themselves in-game.

Usage in Esports

The M9 Bayonet | Tiger Tooth is frequently seen in esports tournaments, admired for its aesthetic and its role as a symbol of high status among top players.

Player Stories

Many players recount the excitement and satisfaction of acquiring the Tiger Tooth in game drops or trades, marking significant personal achievements in their CS:GO careers.